488 Kings Road boutique 'Granny takes a trip' - 1967

Archives for London is the independent voice for archives in our capital city.

Archives for London (AfL) brings together everyone interested in archives in or about London – users, practitioners and enthusiasts.

Through the passion, experience and expertise of our members and guests we help people get more out of the documents, photographs and films that make up our capital’s rich archival heritage.

“At Archives for London we understand the important role that London’s archives have in telling the fascinating stories of our capital city and the people who live and work here. By bringing together the people who look after these unique resources with the people who use them, we can enrich everyone’s our interactions with London’s historic documents, maps, photographs and film.”

Anne Barrett, Chair of Archives for London

We welcome everyone who is passionate about London’s archives. AfL members include family and local historians, professional and amateur researchers, academics and students and anyone working with archives such as archivists, conservators, local history librarians and records managers. If this sounds like you, come along to an AfL event [1].

Our members represent a wide range of organisations including family and local history societies, academic bodies, professional research associations and publishers, as well as local government, business, charity and university archives, local studies and specialist libraries, and museums.

What we do

Archives for London helps members get more out of London’s archives through an exclusive programme of seminars, our annual conference and other events.

We stay in touch through our website, members’ newsletter, Twitter and Facebook.

We represent our members’ views by actively participating in and engaging with the local, regional and national organisations and authorities that oversee the archives and services our members love.

We support cross-domain and cross-sectorial initiatives and lead programmes specifically designed to improve access and engagement, knowledge and understanding of the London’s unique documentary heritage.

Support us

Interested in joining AfL? Then see our membership page. We’re delighted that through the efforts of our members, volunteers and supporters we’re able to keep our subscription rates for both individuals and organisations to a minimum.

Help spread the word. Follow, like and share our posts on Twitter and Facebook. You can also download our leaflet.